The Process Leadership Experts
RANA The Process Leadership Company
Established in 1993, RANA, the Process Leadership Company strives to achieve measurable results for its clients under the rallying cry of the “Building the Strength to Change”. Charged with the values of exclusive, transparent and accountable Process Consultation, RANA measures its impact by our client’s success and the level of positive energy we bring to the people of our client organizations.

Process Leadership = Productive Work

Process Leadership provides you with a simple and effective frame for operations:
- You share your purpose to guide performance
- Your purpose focuses your people and prepares them to accomplish work
- Process Leaders help your people reach the shared purpose
- By working with a shared purpose, people think and engage positively
Who We Are
We are focused not only on human performance in terms of how people do things inside the organization but also how well they do them. We bring to our clients a structured way of doing things leading to renewed organizational energy. Every RANA client learns how to integrate to their organizational culture a set of processes that enables them to manage activity from top to bottom.

What is the problem we are addressing?

Incompetence is defined simply as “the inability to do something successfully”. Many organizations suffer from not having the people who know how to do things successfully. This causes:
- No change management process by which the organization can transform itself
- Unbalanced management processes, with an obsession for procedure
- People at the delivery end of the organization not knowing what to do
- People “churn” as organizations face ongoing management issues
- Increased reliance on technology to solve human problems
How We Serve you
When RANA facilitates a work session or a meeting, we manage the process of the meeting, the techniques of interpersonal communication and the logistics of setting a meeting room for maximum productivity. We then help our client choose the most appropriate process for the job at hand: the process can be one of the universals of Problem, Decision, Plan or Issue; or, it can be a derived process, such as the analysis of Needs, Benefits or Forced Field; or, it can be one of the larger aggregate processes, such as Strategic Planning, Knowledge Management or Policy Development.Learning
When RANA provides learning to clients, its adult education specialists work on skills, framed by knowledge and rewarded with motivation. This Knowledge, Skills, Motivation Continuum structures the workshops that RANA offers: short content briefings for Knowdledge, extensive practice sessions for Skills and practical application to the organization’s realities for Motivation. The Continuum leads to the willingness of the learner to apply and gets rid of the “learning decay”, where participants lose their learning in contact with the reality of their work.Coaching
When RANA coaches client participants, we start with transferring the Positive Coaching Model. This Model is simply to start with what is working well in a participant’s way of doing things and adding additional learning for immediate application. Positive Coaching is attuned to the principles and practices of emotionally intelligent behaviour. People work better when they are treated with respect, provided with every opportunity to improve and given a helping hand whenever they need it. Since the people of organizations invest a good part of their lives in serving a common purpose, their enjoyment of that investment is critical to their happiness.Advising
When RANA advises the organization on process, we are always trying to ensure that processes – and the owners of those processes – are talking to each other. The silo mentality of functions gets replaced with the continuity needed between how people are getting things done. So, the financial, HR and technology people are not sequestered in their private world but connected to the operational line levels of the organization. The organization’s hierarchy becomes much more of a conduit for the movement of knowledge, information and wisdom.Designing
Change is an organic process that can either be managed or suffered. RANA helps the organization design the change process that best fits its needs: the needs of its owners, its managers, its staff people and those who delivery products and services. Investing the little time it takes to actually design the change process reduces the fear of the unknown and helps “tame” the future. Change design also involves a fundamental understanding that no one can predict the future but it is possible to be ready for whatever comes along.Building the Strength to Change

RANA seeks to equip client organizations with people with the Knowledge, Skills and Motivation to move forward with needed change. We want to provide the organization – whatever that organization does – with the in-house strength to do so. Hence our catchphrase (and rallying cry) of “Building the Strength to Change,” meaning:
- A building process, as in: “You can build your strength to change.”
- Strong people, as in: “Strong people called Process Leaders lead the change process.”
- Measurement, as in: “You have the proof of the success of the change process.”
Benefits of Working with RANA

We facilitate productive and harmonious work

We help people to learn the skills of Process Leadership

We coach others in applying processes to their work

We advise your managers on process needs

We design processes for emerging changes
Challenges our Clients Face

The Pharmaceutical Industry is huge. As such, the management of such a large entity, often spread across the world, has a number of challenges. One such challenge is planning the business in such a way that there is clear direction from the top echelons of the organization down to the product delivery end. For our pharma clients this has involved:
- Ensuring the consensus of the top echelon on the vision of the organization;
- Testing the vision against the operating realities of the organization;
- Maintaining readiness to change direction according to rapid socio-economic change;
- Investing the appropriate time to hire, sustain and keep the best possible people;
- Ensuring that management processes support the pharma content of the organization.
Health Care

With an aging population, hospitals face issues such as:
- Managing critical care in a timely manner;
- Helping its own health practitioners with human factors, such as fatigue;
- Developing Strategic Plans that are meaningful in the context of pandemics;
- Finding the financial means to innovate with new and needed equipment;
- Managing safety of its patients and health practitioners
Not for Profit

The Not for Profit organization, as well as charitable organizations, are constantly coping with:
- The increasing difficulty in attracting volunteers;
- Governance features from the past that no longer perform in the present and for the future;
- Funding, funding, funding;
- The increased number of organizations calling on a decreasing number of financial sources;
- Government legislation and regulations that complicate management of the organization.

The aerospace industry has managed to survive the Covid pandemic and is in full adjustment with:
- Increased demands from its labour force for improved financial and living conditions;
- The pent-up demand by travelers for trips by air;
- Quality and safety issues with certain aircraft;
- The advent of Safety Management System regulations by governments;
- The sudden and often dramatic demise of start-ups in the industry.
Protective Services

Police services are being challenged by:
- Those wishing to reduce policing without addressing the risks this may cause;
- Violence levied against police officers;
- The need for community input and engagement in policing;
- Inter-service communication and cooperation;
- The increase in cyber-crime and crimes committed against children.

The agriculture sector’s importance is increasing exponentially and faces:
- The increasing disappearance of limited scale “family” farms in favour of nationals and multinationals;
- Farm prices not keeping pace with the cost of the grocery basket in retail stores;
- The disinterest in younger generations in pursuing farming as a way of life;
- Cheap imports replacing domestic products;
- Pressures related to the environmental “cost” of farming.
First Nations

With the growing consciousness of Canadians in relation to its Indigenous population, First Nations:
- Continue to face the patriarchal attitudes of federal and provincial governments;
- Are building their community capacity to overcome the challenges of loss of heritage, language and culture;
- Are developing their leadership to provide a common front and purpose;
- Place emphasis on the development of the younger generation;
- Are looking to Canadians for respect and understanding.

Institutions, such as universities:
- Are often caught between building new facilities without having the funds to maintain the old;
- Are dealing with archaic governance structures that limit their effectiveness as social leaders;
- Are coping with the decline in foreign students due to government policies; Are constantly dealing with financial shortfalls;
- Are seeing the increase of sessional instructors versus tenured or permanent positions;
- Are adapting to the arrival of online learning and AI in higher education.